Downholland Haskayne CE Primary Acorn EYFS from 2 years old
Mrs Gibson
Class Teacher
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs White
Class Activities and Events
The EYFS children were very excited to explore our topic ‘Creep, Crawl and Wriggle mini beasts’ with the mini-me versions of themselves they had made. They learned what it would be like to be the size of a bug.
mini me
The children used watercolour paint to paint a sunflower.
Linking with our topic ’Creep, Crawl and Wriggle’ the children learned facts about snails and then released nine snails into the bug house. They were very excited to watch them create a snail trail.
The children explored the topic ‘Let’s Explore’ by talking about the floor plan of the school. They then explored each room and created houses in continuous provision.
Nursery exploring 'Tapper' Shapes
Nursery making a car in the craft area
Childcare & Family Support In Lancashire website