Special Educational Needs


At Downholland Haskayne CE Primary School, a mainstream setting, we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their potential.

In order to do this, many steps are taken to help all pupils through their learning journey.  High-quality teaching is vital; however, for some children, there are occasions when additional support may be needed.

The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is:  David Swindells, contact number 0151 526 0614

Roles & Responsibilities of the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO).

Our SENDCO is responsible for the operation of the Special Educational Needs Policy and co-ordination of specific provisions made to support individual children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Pupil progress is monitored on a regular basis, and further interventions are planned for children where progress is slower than expected. We regularly have contact with a wide range of external agencies that are able to give more specialised advice. If you have any concerns regarding SEND matters, do not hesitate to contact us.

SEND Policy

Children and Families Act 2014

The new Code of Practice for SEND children and young people aged 0-25 is outlined in this Act and came into force in September 2014. The government has listened to what parents say their experience of services is like and has put in place a number of things to bring about improvements. One of these is the ‘Local Offer’.

This is the local offer for our school, which details the provision we can offer

What is the SEND Local Offer?

  • Local Authorities must publish a ‘Local Offer’ setting out the provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. (www.lancashire.gov.uk/SEND)  All schools must publish information on their websites about their policies for pupils with SEND.

Further information about the Lancashire Local Offer can be found at


Sefton's Local Offer can be found at


If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs or are unhappy about something regarding your child’s schooling, please get in touch with the school office on 0151 526 0614 to arrange a meeting with the class teacher, SENDCO or headteacher.

Additional contact is:

Special Educational Needs and Disability Support Service (SENDIAS):

Tel: 03001236706 (Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm)

I hope this has answered any queries you may have, however, please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have further questions.